Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hello All!

Several months have passed since I have visited my blog to write. Needless to say, these past months have been insane busy! Now, after the wedding and the holidays, I am back to my grind. These next couple of blogs will definitley be about being a newlywed. You know those people that always say,"Just wait until you are a newlywed and you will understand." Well now I understand.

I never really understood what they were talking about that I would "understand"...but now I do. I understand that sharing a bathroom can be extremely challenging at times. I understand that my idea of cleaning the house and his idea of cleaning the house are not the same thing. I also understand that he is a cover hog. All and all, we are having a great time being newlyweds and the best is yet to come! Talk soon.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Life has taken some wonderful turns for me lately. Steve and I are now settled in Little Rock, we have our first place all set up and Steve is getting into his job. We are around family and get to share our lives with people that we love and that love us. I am now getting to use my degree and that is an exhilerating feeling. I am doing some writing for and it is getting me back in sync with writing news style stories.

Now, as far as wedding planning goes, we are getting alot done. Tomorrow we will officialy be 3 months from our wedding date! Life could not be any better right now!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Time Flies...

I love how I feel like summer just began and now I feel that it is almost over. I have something every weekend for through the end of the summer. Man...that is fun. Don't get me wrong, I do love working all week because I get to actually use my degree now that I worked soo hard on, and the things that I do on the weekend are usually fun...but every now and then, you just need a weekend where you can relax! I definitely have not had one of those in a while and I sure don't see one in the near future.

Light at the end of the tunnel...please show yourself soon! Until next time...Goodbye.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Dear Blog....

I know that you have been neglected lately but the following reasons are why:

-Moved States
-Started a new job
-On a new schedule
-Around family
-Planning a wedding

So...the above are all of the reasons that you have been neglected. Trust me, I have had plenty to talk about but the time has not been there for me to do so. With that said, the move has not been to difficult to become accustomed to, the job I am enjoying, the schedule is a work in progress, family is awesome and the wedding planning...well it is coming along. There is so much to do, even with 5 months to go!

So that is the update. Catch up soon!

Monday, May 3, 2010


No one ever said change was going to be easy. Steve and I have recently taken a step towards our future which means closing a chapter in our lives and beginning a new one. This is so exciting but can also be scary all at the same time. With new jobs and new expectations, a lot of stress can be brought about. With that said, I have to look at all of the positive that is coming out of this.

For instance, my nephew is growing like a weed and now I get to be a vital part of every day of his life. That makes me so incredibly happy that there are no words to describe it. Also, Steve and I get to begin our married life together around family. Whether it be mine or his, having a support system of close relatives can be a God sent if certain situations arise. Finally, we are starting our careers and our lives in an awesome church with awesome people. God has opened doors for us that I did not know could ever be opened.

A year ago this week, I graduated with a degree in Journalism and I am finally getting to pursue my passion and utilize my skills. Sacrifices have been made over the past year on my part and the situation that Steve and I have found ourselves in with this amazing opportunity just goes to prove that God is in control. It may not be our timing, but he knows what is best and he will always provide.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Afternoons

I am a fan of Sunday afternoons. Sunday is the last day of relaxation before the madness of the work week starts all over. I don't know what I would do if I had to jump from Saturday right to Monday with no Sunday in the middle, my world would be rocked. Whether I lay around all afternoon and enjoy my down time, or I utilize it and get things done for the rest of the week, it is still the best day of the week. With that said, I am off to finish up some work that I am doing to prepare for my busy busy week.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The right side of the bed...

So, I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning. What does that even mean? Well, I take it as waking up in a good mood, with a great perspective on the day that is ahead of me.

I am thinking that I am going to get a lot accomplished today. I am going to begin by having a great day at work and continue by having a great workout and a relaxing night. There are a million things that I need to get done this week before the weekend, but I got a great head start on them yesterday and I am thinking that I have it all under control.

I am counting down the days and looking forward to the weekend when I get to see my nephew enjoy his first birthday and I get to celebrate a friend's engagement! Day two is underway!